- All About Anthony Hodgson, in fact this is his official website, which features a biography, information about up-coming events, and a fascinating intimate glimpse inside the artist's sketch book. The website is a little low on media, because he heavily copyrites his films, but overall it is an useful and effective use of web-space.

- Other students and animation enthusiasts from around the World's views on film and animation, it cannot be used as an elixir of information because the majority of posts are un-informed and purely oppinion.
It is a great place to first witness rumours and whispers about new projects from some of the industry's most prolific film-makers, brought to the sight personally by some of the industry's biggest stalker-geeks.

-This really needs no introduction... but it is the highly controversial web-space of animator David Firth; many of whom's animations have amassed a staggering cult following.
Unfortunately his website, although having become a great money-spinner; has not won him much air-time on television. He has, however, made it onto animation programmes and CC-Labs a few times with his eerily familiar 'Salad Fingers'.
At time Firth's work does over-step moral/ethical barriers, and can cause great offense to sensitive audiences, so I would not suggest clicking the link if you are easily offended.

- David Lupton (often works with Corin Hardy)'s personal Blog. Lupton once penned 500 drawings for Hardy's Butterfly in just one week -so this website has GOT to be impressive. Lupton regularly uploads his own images and updates his blog weekly, it is a great place to see his work before it hits the commercial websites, and although he has a ghost-writer to blog for him now, it is still possible to contact the artist directly through his blog; and is a fascinating insite into a successful animator/illustrator's life.

- The Yellow Submarine Movie, this is my all time favourite drawn animation. Although controversially not voiced by the Beatles themselves, it is still by far the most out-standing use of drawn animation i have ever seen.
Very stylized to the late 60s (when it was made) the film shows no regard for traditional to the filmic convention of trying to keep work timeless. It almost makes one wonder if the director knew the 60s images would be forever timeless.

- This is a very good site in general, but this section is of particular interest to me personally.
themovieblog.com is a highly useful space where new events and potential movie projects can be discussed before hitting more official sites such as imdb.com.
This sight does not only deal with up-coming move events but boasts an impressive repertoire of interviews with some movie greats. This page is dedicated to one of my idols, Burton. He talks about a project very dear to him and a film that will deal with a very personal and life-long issue to the director; the loss of his dog. Frankenweenie.

- Don Hertzfeld's website, I Particularly love his short Billy's Balloon. Most of Hertzfeld's animations on here are works from his stay at animation school, and they are certainly very different to most. Although a little slow and heavy on setting the scene, his work is none-the-less mesmerizing and more than a little strange, I would recommend anyone who is interested in simple hand-drawn animation, or anyone interested in the absurd should click this link. In 'Billy's Balloon' we see a really obvious but previously un-thought of role reversal, Billy's balloon (and subsequently lots of Billy's friend's balloons) turns on him and all balloon kind finally take revenge on their tethering child-owners.

- I know this was on the brief but it doesn't make it any less of one of my top-ten websites! I can't say why i really like this website, the images are badly drawn, and rarely laugh-out-loud funny, but they are one of the most addictive Internet cartoons in existence none-the-less. They could be described as David and Golliath's nerdy cousin, occasionally brutally cruel, and sometimes roll-on-the floor funny. They are an acquired taste, but the title says it all. Toothpaste for dinner indeed!
http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/ - If you don't know what this is, then you haven't LIVED - Also it is quite interesting that Matt Parker and Trey stone have emulated the mouth movements for their take on Canadians in South park -But I don't expect anyone to agree with me; nobody ever does!
weebl and Bob are two friends, who constantly find themselves in bizaare situations, Bob is certainly the brains of the oufit but is chouted down by Weebl constantly. This is an almost satyrical portrayal of the general mentality of the human race. It is inoffensive and rarely breaches the explissit. Weebl and Bob have made it onto television numerous times and have appeared promoting various cheeses and spreadable butter-substitutes.http://www.peewee.com/ - Why not? It was probably on Pee Wee's Playhouse that I got my first taste of stopmotion when I was slightly shorter than I am now. Rueben's 10 dimensional character Pee Wee was an incredibly outgoing and wacky chap who lived in a talking house with lots of children; perhaps by today's limits this is strange, but to Ruebens (who created Pee Wee on stage early in his career whilst touring the pup-comedy circuit) this was the most normal thing in the world. He incorporates a strange mixture of live action, stop-motion and hand drawn animation as well as a few puppets and anamatronics, it is indeed the work of a visionary and more than likely fuelled by drugs.
Weebl and Bob are amazing! Absolutely fab, you're a star for mentioning that! :D